Stay up to date on the latest Pebble news so when it comes time to speak up, you're ready.
Lawsuit filed by Pebble Partnership threatens safeguards for the headwaters of Bristol Bay
Representative Peltola seeks to Congressionally prohibit mine waste disposal in Pebble Mine area; anglers and business owners applaud step and urge continued bipartisan action to safeguard Bristol Bay.
The lawsuit defies a strong science record and overwhelming support for Clean Water Act 404(c) protections by Bristol Bay residents, Alaskans and anglers
Our Alaska team traded waders for suits to advocate for permanent safeguards of Bristol Bay’s prolific salmon fishery.
This article was originally published in Fish Alaska Magazine. It details how despite key victories, ongoing efforts are needed to defend existing safeguards and secure permanent legislative measures in Bristol Bay, Alaska.
Trout Unlimited’s legal team is stepping back onto the legal battlefield to defend EPA Clean Water Act 404(c) safeguards in Bristol Bay.
An important step has been taken to permanently safeguard one of the last great wonders of the salmonid world. U.S. Representative Mary Peltola (D-AK) has introduced a bill that would Congressionally prohibit the discharge of mine waste into rivers, lakes and wetlands that surround the Pebble deposit.
Header image by Tim Romano
Lawmakers come together across party lines to safeguard Bristol Bay.