Response to Sen. Murkowski's AFN commitment to protect Bristol Bay


Contact: Nelli Williams, Trout Unlimited, or (907) 230-7121 

Nanci Morris Lyon, Bear Trail Lodge, or (907) 469-0622 

Brian Kraft, Katmai Service Providers, or (907) 227-8719   

Bristol Bay lodge, tourism industry applauds commitment by Sen. Murkowski to stop Pebble Mine and protect Bristol Bay 

Senator advocates for permanent protections for Bristol Bay during AFN speech 

ANCHORAGE, AK – Today, during a speech at the Alaska Federation of Natives convention (see min 14:14 or here.), Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski stated that she believes the Pebble mine is the wrong mine in the wrong place, cannot be permitted as currently proposed, and promised to take steps through the Appropriations process to ensure upfront protections are put in place for the Bristol Bay region. 

In response to the comments, Nelli Williams of Trout Unlimited issued the following statement:  

“A long-term solution for Bristol Bay requires an official stop to the Pebble project and the mineral leases in the area taken permanently off the table. As the Senator observed, there are unresolvable issues that prevent this mine from being developed safely, in this place. We applaud Senator Murkowski’s commitment to advancing specific actions to safeguard the long-term health of the region and look forward to working together to make that happen.” 

Brian Kraft, president of Katmai Service Providers issued the following statement:  

“The Pebble Mine needs to go away for good. We appreciate Senator Murkowski's opposition to the proposed Pebble mine and her pledge to build on her previous appropriations language to create a greater obstacle to the project. We especially look forward to working with her to achieve long-term protections for Bristol Bay that ensure the fisheries, communities, and businesses based on fishing and tourism thrive far into the future.” 

Nanci Morris Lyon, owner of Bear Trail Lodge issued the following statement:  

“As residents of Bristol Bay, we can do so much better than the proposed Pebble mine.  I am so glad to see Senator Murkowski recognize that through her words and promised action. Now is the time to put this project away for good, so future generations of Alaskans never have to deal with defending this important place from this irresponsible project ever again.” 


Trout Unlimited is the nation’s oldest and largest coldwater fisheries conservation organization dedicated to conserving, protecting and restoring North America’s trout and salmon and their watersheds. Across the country, TU brings to bear local, regional and national grassroots organizing, durable partnerships, science-backed policy muscle, and legal firepower on behalf of trout and salmon fisheries, healthy waters and vibrant communities. We have worked in the Bristol Bay region for almost two decades along with thousands of supporters including dozens of businesses that depend on the fishery of the region. For more information on the Save Bristol Bay campaign go to or 

The Katmai Service Providers represents 64 Alaska fishing, hunting, bear viewing and tourism businesses that operate in the Bristol Bay region. Brian Kraft is the president of the KSP and the owner of two sportfishing lodges in southwest Alaska, one in Igiugig, Alaska and one near Dillingham, Alaska. 

Nanci Morris Lyon is the owner of Bear Trail Lodge in King Salmon, Alaska and a 35-year guide in the Bristol Bay region. 

Header image by Ken Morrish