What Murkowski has to say on Pebble, the governor’s proposed budget cuts and the Mueller report

By Alex DeMarban for the Anchorage Daily News

In an hourlong interview with the Anchorage Daily News editorial board and reporters Friday, Alaska’s senior senator said special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on the inquiry into Russian interference in the 2016 election should be made public. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, also said she’ll likely call for more public-comment time on a federal review of the Pebble copper and gold prospect.


ADN: Is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ 90-day public comment period enough time for people to review and comment on the 1,400-page environmental draft review of the Pebble mine project in Southwest Alaska?

Murkowski: I am looking at (the report) and saying, I think, given the size and scope, and again the Alaskan interest, the public interest in this, it’s probably not going to be sufficient.

So I think we just need to be prepared that we’ll probably be joining in (formally) asking for a longer comment period.

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