On Friday, April 16th, Brian Kraft, owner of Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge in Bristol Bay, was awarded Orvis’ Conservationist of the Year award to honor his 15 year-long effort to safeguard the Bristol Bay fishery.
“So, I will accept this award not simply for me or my efforts. But, rather, on behalf of everyone that has pitched in to help protect the Bristol Bay region from this terrible threat. This is not one person’s efforts. We needed an army to get to where we are now. And an army indeed formed when the battle cry was sounded. Thank you.”
Brian has been a key leader in the fight against the proposed Pebble mine. While running his sportfishing businesses in Alaska, he led the charge to educate others in Bristol Bay on the threat that the mine presented, and to spread the word to the larger fishing community. What started in the early 2000’s as traveling by snow machine to different communities in Bristol Bay to talk about the threat of Pebble, led to testifying in front of Congressional committees and speaking on prime-time television about why Pebble’s permit must be denied in 2020. Check out this video from Orvis to see a snapshot of Brian’s history fighting for the most prolific sockeye salmon fishery on the planet.
Despite the challenges posed in 2020, the angling community was thrilled to mark a significant victory in the fight to protect the fish and wildlife resource of Alaska’s Bristol Bay region. In 2020 the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Alaska District issued a record of decision that denies the Pebble Limited Partnership’s permit application under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. This decision, and the precedent it sets, relieves the immediate threat of the Pebble Mine to Bristol Bay’s incomparable fish habitat, and some well-deserved affirmation made over the past nearly two decades by local Tribes, community leaders and residents and amplified by the conservation community and many others. Nonetheless, our work for Bristol Bay continues until there are permanent protections in place for the people, fish, and fish-based resources in Bristol Bay.
In a Facebook post, Kraft responded to the award:
"It is humbling to be bestowed with the recognition as the 2021 Orvis Conservationist of the Year for efforts relating to our long battle against the proposed Pebble Mine in headwater rivers of Alaska’s Bristol Bay drainage. This certainly has been a classic David vs Goliath battle, and there were many times in which it did not look good for our side. Yes, I threw the first punch in the fight, but then many people jumped in quickly and have remained committed for years to protect Bristol Bay from Pebble. Countless numbers of people did whatever they could over the last 17 years — knocking on doors, attending rallies, donating funds, signing petitions, writing elected officials and agencies. So many donated time to speak loudly about the need to protect Bristol Bay from this ill-conceived plan of putting the world’s largest open pit mine in the heart of this perfectly functioning and intact salmon-based ecosystem. This has been, and continues to be, a team effort. The Pebble Partnership has appealed the Army Corp decision to deny the all-important 404 dredge and fill permit. The battle continues and permanent protection for Bristol Bay is the ultimate goal. One would think it should be quite simple and common sense when we have something as precious as this fishery, to protect it and not allow massive habitat consuming industrialization into the region. However, as we found out, it takes diligent effort, steadfast stewardship, and dedication to ensuring that it remains in as good of shape or better for future generations. Thank you to Orvis for helping out in this battle. So, I will accept this award not simply for me or my efforts. But, rather, on behalf of everyone that has pitched in to help protect the Bristol Bay region from this terrible threat. This is not one person’s efforts. We needed an army to get to where we are now. And an army indeed formed when the battle cry was sounded. Thank you."
We thank Brian for his years of advocacy for a place that has sustained generations, brought anglers and hunters on trips of a lifetime, and supported the people of Alaska for years on end. We look forward to working with Brian to advance permanent protections for Bristol Bay so that we don’t have to fight Pebble- or any other mining company- in the future.