This week, nearly 50 sport fishing and recreation businesses from the Bristol Bay region submitted a letter to Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy, asking him to halt his actions supporting the Pebble Limited Partnership (PLP).
The letter outlines recent actions taken by the Governor that demonstrate overt support for the project, including his written letters to potential investors on behalf of PLP, defending the proposed Pebble mine in court against Alaskan citizens and business owners, appointing multiple individuals current or formerly on Pebble payroll to state leadership positions, and using the economic impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic to justify support for the project.
The business owners with a stake in the healthy resources in Bristol Bay made a clear ask of the Governor:
“We ask that you stop standing with PLP and sticking up for their short-sighted project, recognize the risks this project and thus-far inadequate review brings to existing industries, and start standing tall for Alaskans, for Bristol Bay, and for the irreplaceable values that make our economy and future bright.”
If you live in Alaska, please contact Governor Dunleavy to remind him that Pebble poses a serious threat to the $1.5 billion fishery that supports thousands of American jobs and is unwanted by a majority of Alaskans. Please write or call the Governor today.
Photo: Tim Romano