FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Removal of Bristol Bay protections endangers jobs, sportsmen's paradise

ANCHORAGE, AK - Just weeks after the U.S. EPA released comments critical of Pebble’s Draft Environmental Impact Statement, the agency today withdrew the 2014 Proposed Determination. If finalized, the Proposed Determination would have safeguarded the Bristol Bay region – the world’s greatest wild salmon ecosystem – from the proposed Pebble mine and other large-scale industrial development by placing limits on the amount of mine waste that can be disposed of in Bristol Bay’s rivers and wetlands.  

Sportsmen criticize initial step by EPA to remove proposed Bristol Bay protections

ANCHORAGE, AK - Today, a memo was released by EPA General Counsel directing its Region 10 office to resume the withdrawal process for the 2014 proposed determination, which added upfront protections for the rich natural resources of the Bristol Bay region from threatening mining proposals like the Pebble Mine.